
We can't run without your generous help

Vets for Pets is completely self-funded and all donations go directly into caring for the pets. We rely completely on donations from people like you who believe in our cause. We accept financial donations as well as donations of medications (see our About Us page for more information). We greatly appreciate financial donations of any size because they allow us to purchase vaccines and medications we need to serve the pets in our community. If you have any questions about where your money will go, please email us.

To Donate

  • Donations can be made to Our Place Society but please specify Vets for Pets
    • we accept cash donations and cheques. Please make the cheques out to Our Place Society with Vets for Pets in the memo.
    • online donations are also possible through the Our Place website. Please specify a directed donation to Vets for Pets.
  • Charitable tax receipts will be provided


Our Place Society, 919 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC V8V 3P4
